Monday, March 4, 2013

Author Interview with Leah D.W. (Unnatural – an anthology. The Runaway’s Secret – a novel)

Hi Leah. Glad to have you here today. So, let's begin.
Where were you born and where do you call home?
I was born and raised in a town called Bloemfontein in the Free State, South Africa. It may be where my family is but I call the time I spend reading a good book home.
What else do you enjoy doing during your free time?
If I am not writing or out with my two best friends then I am in the kitchen baking like crazy! I love baking cupcakes and cookies, but they never last long in my house haha

What is the name of your most recent book and if you had to sum it up in 30 or less words, what would you say?

The Runaway’s Secret is a paranormal romance novel about a lost and confused half-vampire who stumbles into a world filled with supernatural beings she never knew existed. To me this book is special because ever since I started writing I have never been able to complete a story. I would get writer’s block and move onto the next project. Now that I do have a novel with a beginning, middle and end it feels like a dream and I never want to wake up.
My anthology will be out before this novel. It is titled Unnatural and contains a collection of my best paranormal short stories.

Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?

I have lots of plans for many new books! I am busy with a paranormal trilogy and after the first book is done I will move onto something new before continuing with it.

What books have influenced your writing?

The first book that I ever read was Nancy Drew. That book helped turn me into an avid reader and that bloomed into me wanting to write stories of my own. The Prophecy of the Gems by Flavia Bujor was the first fantasy fiction I read and that sparked my imagination to write like that as well.  

Is there an Author that you would really like to meet?

Yes! I would love to meet Cassandra Clare. She is my favourite author and her books are just amazing reads. To meet her would be such a great experience, one that I would treasure always.

Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?

I prefer paperbacks. The feel and smell of a printed book is just so much better than reading words from a digital screen. I feel more comfortable reading in bed with my dog at my feet and a book in my hands.

Where do you prefer to buy your books?

I only buy books at my local book store. I love them and I am a regular visiting there. I know where all books are on those shelves.

Are you a self published (Indie) Author?

No, I work for Bayou Brew Publishing and they will be the company to publish my stories.

What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?

Currently I am reading a paperback, The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross. I have only recently started reading steampunk novels and I am already a fan. It has inspired me to start planning my own steampunk book based in my favourite time of history, London 1860.

Who designed the cover of your book?

Patti Roberts from Paradox Book Cover Designs and Productions was the one to design the cover for my novel The Runaway’s Secret.
Do you buy a book by the cover?

Yes I do. I know the old saying ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ but I do and so I only pick up a book and read the back if the cover catches my attention.
Patti says: Me too!

Do you have a book trailer?

No but I would love to have one.

What are your thoughts on book trailers?

I love book trailers. They help to promote an author’s novels and catch the interest of potential buyers. Plus, some of them are beautiful and really capture what happens in the book.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Just keep writing. I thought of quitting once because I couldn’t finish a novel or get someone to publish it but I kept on going and now look where I am. Your dreams will come true, just be patient and never stop writing.

Do you write under a pen name?

Yes. Since my mother language is Afrikaans not many people from different parts of the world can pronounce my name correctly so I created a pen name.
What date were you born? - you can leave off the year if you like.
I was born on the 22 of May

Did you have a favorite toy as a child?

Yes. I was given a brown teddy bear on the day I was born and it is still with me. I will never give it away. He is now on my shelf next to my favourite books.

Do you ever write in your PJ’s?

Yes. When I get ready for bed before I go to sleep I would write down new ideas or plots in my PJ’s and when I wake up the first thing I do is drag my laptop to me and write some more before getting up.
What are your pet peeves?

I guess mine is that I can’t work without background noise. When I write I have to play music in order to concentrate or I sit with my work on the couch while my family watches TV. It just works for me.
Any pets that you would like to tell us about, share a pic?

My two beloved dogs. Lucky and her son RifRaf. Lucky is about 14 years old and still like an energetic puppy. Her son has the biggest personality I have ever seen and swims every day while playing fetch. I love them both very much. Like we say in Afrikaans: Hulle is my hart se punt

Coffee or tea?

Tea when I have the flu otherwise several cups of coffee a day. I need it when I stay up late writing or crave a cuppa when I am with friends.

So you like to cook? Do you have a favorite food?

I love anything that involves bacon and pasta. Put that in a bowl and I will eat it haha. I also love my father’s Cordon Bleu and my aunt’s pumpkin cakes.

Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream?


What do you normally eat for breakfast, or do you skip it and get straight to work?

On a normal day it would be a big bowl of chocolate or strawberry Pronutro or, if I want to spoil myself on a weekend, then French toast with honey.

What are 4 things you never leave home without (apart from keys, money and phone)?

My bubblegum lipice, my red earphones, a packet of tissues and vanilla hand cream.

Sleep in or get up early?

Sleep in! I love to sleep and just stay in bed. I am defs not a morning person. If I get the chance to sleep in then you won’t see or hear from me until after lunch haha.

Laptop or desktop for writing?

Laptop. It is better to carry around. I never let it leave my house but I would use it at my desk, on my lap in the living room with the TV blaring or in bed.

Where and when do you prefer to do your writing?

I can write anywhere. I don’t have a specific time for it, I write when the feeling or ‘mood’ for it hits me, whether I am on campus between classes or at home in my room but my favourite place is in my bed with my dogs sleeping at my side.
Your thoughts on receiving book reviews - the good and the bad –

Good book reviews are awesome of course, gives the author a little ego boost that they need after spending so much time writing. Bad reviews may be a huge downer but for me it will show where I can fix certain things about my writing, either in characters or the style, and that helps to create an even better story in the future.

If you were deserted on an island, who are 3 famous people you would want with you?

Jensen Ackles, I am a huge Supernatural fan. Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow and Kelly Clarkson, my fave singer.
Where is one place in the world that you would really love to visit someday?

Paris! My room is filled with pictures of the Eiffel Tower. It is my dream to travel Europe and Paris would be the destination first on the list.

One of your favorite quotes –

It is more like a word. ‘Nevermore’ in The Raven, by Edgar Alan Poe.

List 3 books you just recently read and would recommend?

Taken by Storm by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, book 3 in the raised by wolves series. Dreamless by Josephine Angelini and Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare.

List 3 of your favorite movies?

Sinbad, legend of the seven seas – the animation

The devil wears prada

Beauty and the beast - Disney

An actor or a book character you have a crush on –

Adrian Ivaskov from Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead. I absolutely love him.

What is a movie or TV show that you watched just recently and really enjoyed?

Once Upon A Time the TV show and Supernatural. A recent movie was Hansel and Gretel which I enjoyed a lot. Wish I had written that haha.

Where can your readers stalk you?

My facebook page:

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